How to Test the Properties of Waterproof Coatings?

1. The thickness inspection of waterproofing layer to be formed

The needle puncture method shall be used to test the thickness of the waterproofing layer formed while apply the waterproofing coating. Steps are to prick three points per 100 square meters, then measure the height with a ruler, and take the average value. The film-forming thickness of waterproof coating should be more than 2mm.The puncture shall be marked with a colored pen for repair.

2.  Inspection of the property of elongation at break for waterproofing layer

 During  waterproofing construction, the supervisor can go to the construction site and apply the mixed waterproofing material on the flat glass plate for many times (the glass plate shall be waxed first), with a waterproofing film formed thickness of 1.2-1.5mm. After 7 days, soak it in 1% alkaline water for 7 days, and then bake it in a 50 ℃ soil 2 ℃ oven for 24 hours to conduct dumbbell tensile test,The elongation retention rate is required to reach 80% (200% without treatment). If it can not meet with the standard, it is indicated that the proportion of waterproof polymer emulsion in the waterproofing coating is insufficient.

3. Water resistance inspection of waterproofing coating

Apply the waterproof coating on the cement block for several times, with a waterproofing film thickness to be form of 1.2-1.5mm, place it for 7 days, soak it in 1% alkali water for 7 days, and it is qualified if it is not layered and empty.

4. Impermeability property test

It is recommended to use instruments to test, if possible,. The method is to prepare the waterproof coating according to the proportion, paint it on the glass plate for many times (the glass plate is waxed first), the thickness is 1.5mm, stand for 7 days, then put it in the oven at 50 ℃± 2 ℃ for 24 hours, take it out and place it for 3 hours, and do the impermeability test. The impermeability is 0.3MPa.It is qualified if there is no leakage for 30 minutes.If the conditions are not met, the waterproof effect can be checked by visual inspection. The method is to apply the coating on the non-woven fabric for 4-6 times. After drying (about 24h), the film thickness is 1.2-1.5mm, which is made into a slow box shape and hung empty, but no dead corner is left. Then add 1% alkaline water into the box, and it is qualified if there is no leakage in 24h.

5. Low temperature flexibility property inspection

Wax the glass plate, paint or brush the mixed waterproof coating on the construction site on the glass plate for many times, with a thickness of 1.2-1.5mm waterproofing layers to be formed. After it is completely dry, remove it from the glass plate and place it indoors (25 ℃± 2 ℃) for 7 days, then cut the strip with a length of 120-150mm and a width of 20mm, adjust the refrigerator temperature to – 25 ℃, and put the test piece in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. The round rod with a diameter of 10mm shall be wound in both positive and negative directions once, and it is qualified if there is no crack. If there is a crack, the low temperature flexibility of the emulsion is not enough.

Post time: Sep-03-2021