What is the benefits of roof coatings?


Roof coatings are a great solution for limiting the environmental impact of waste.  Coatings are designed to restore your current roofing system and extend the life of that system, which in turn, minimizes and in some cases eliminates the need to tear off the existing roof.  Roof coatings reduce landfill waste and associated costs and there are many products available that save energy by meeting Cool Roof requirements. They also have low VOC content. Roof coatings with low VOC content have less pungent smells, so people inside the building aren’t inconvenienced by a bad smell when applied.


Rising material prices have heavily impacted the construction industry over the last year and people are looking to save money wherever they can.  Roof coatings are a cost-effective way of restoring your roofing system and extending its life.  Your typical roof replacement requires hours of tear-off and prep work before the new roofing system gets installed.  By applying a roof coating, you can often eliminate the need for tear-off all together which will reflect lower labor costs, disposal fees, equipment costs, all while giving you a leak-free roof membrane, backed by your installer and the manufacturer.


A roofing system is most vulnerable in 3 areas: at the seams, flashings, and penetrations (such as vent pipes).  By applying a roof coating to the entire roof surface, you seal all these vulnerabilities with a seamless membrane.  If you ever need to repair, the coating can be added afterward to cover small cracks or penetrations to maintain the seamless application.


From a sustainability perspective, roof coating systems are designed to be renewable.  What does that mean for you as a property owner/manager? It means that these systems can be serviced and maintained to ensure you get the most out of your roof coating system.  Once the useful life of the roof coating has been reached, an additional layer can be applied to extend it further.


When completing roof maintenance or replacements, the biggest complaint we receive is about the disruptions their tenants or customers endure during the process.  While Deer Park Roofing, LLC strives to keep tidy worksites, roofing can still be loud and often requires machinery and dumpsters on-site that take up parking spots. Depending on the size of the roof, jobs could take weeks or months to complete. A great way to avoid the disruptions of a roof replacement is the use of a roof coating. The process is quicker and easier, allowing us to get in and out without interrupting normal business operations while the coating is being applied.


Post time: Jun-21-2024